Allow me to explain to you how excellent Kayleigh / the undead's vessel is.

It's the undead's vessel's appreciation week and my goodness, does this girl deserve some appreciation.

Here is a brief, very incomplete list of reasons why Kayleigh is an amazing human being:
  • Kayleigh is an article editor, and a great one at that. Do you know how hard it is to be an article editor? They have to read every single article that gets posted on Mibba – and there are only two article editors for the whole site. And this is not a casual skim we're talking about – article editors have closely read every article, spot and correct typos, fix formatting, insert pictures, make sure the category is correct, edit the lead if necessary, add tags if necessary, and check to make sure the article isn't plagiarized. They also monitor article comments for rule-breaking and do normal staff duties like helping members and participating in staff projects. Right now, for example, Kayleigh's a fellow pirate / contest mod for the Mibba Contest Revival. Kayleigh does all this stuff (and more) like a god damn champion.
  • Kayleigh's a member of the Mibba Magazine staff, and a super active one at that. She writes the Weekly Featured Contests columns, is doing a series called Introduction to the Forums which as a board mod makes me love her extra, and she writes bunches and bunches of story reviews, which is a crazy nice thing to do for people because it means getting their story lots of attention and asking for nothing in return.
  • Speaking of which, Kayleigh recently wrote a review of one of my stories. I already knew how great she was before this happened but this made it even clearer; it's probably the nicest Mibba-thing anyone's ever done for me. I don't write that much and I post even less; the story was a one-shot I posted more than a year ago that I never thought would get much attention, but thanks to Kayleigh I got a bunch of new readers. And the review was so amazing by itself! It was so, so nice and made me feel like she understood exactly what I was trying to say, which in terms of writing is maybe the best feeling ever. I was so overwhelmed when I read it that I had to step away from my computer and awkwardly squee and wave my arms around in a very uncoordinated, unattractive way before I could calm down enough to thank her.
  • Also, the PM she sent me linking me to the review was just a quote of a Cinderella song which was a) so cute b) mystifying until I figured out what was going on and c) extremely appropriate as the review made me feel quite princess-like.
  • Kayleigh has been through really rough times but still gets her work done on Mibba, and with a smiley on her posts. She's amazingly strong.
  • Kayleigh has magical powers that include the ability to see time stamps on posts instead of the frustratingly vague "about a ____ ago". She claims to be living in Wales but let's face it: she probably spends most of the year at Hogwarts.
  • Have you creeped on Kayleigh's photos recently? 'Cause I have and I have news for you guys: Kayleigh is gorgeous. If I could I would steal her perfectly curved cheekbones and stick 'em on my face and then probably cry in horror at what I had done because that'd be a really creepy, messy, terrible thing to do.
  • Kayleigh is British and therefore it is highly unlikely she will be able to accept this praise because as everyone knows the British are incurably modest and uncomfortable with compliments (don't even try to dispute me on this because SCIENCE). But that discomfort just makes me want to praise her more so as to make absolutely sure she understands what a truly awesome person she is.
Is it clear yet that I think Kayleigh is supercalifragilisticexpialidocious? I mean, I'm running out of positive adjectives with which describe her. She's such a lovely person and I feel so lucky to be on staff with her. The tl;dr version of this blog is that Kayleigh is a) fabulous b) fabulous c) SO FABULOUS d) you should appreciate the crap out of her 'cause there's so much about her to appreciate!

Basically if I ever meet Kayleigh in person and she doesn't immediately pepper spray me and call the police to report that a super creepy stalker has attacked her, this is what's going to happen:
June 13th, 2013 at 04:01am