Why do i like him?

Corey Lewis....
Hes weird!!! Hes funny and cool, one of the popular guys at our school, only a few people don't like him, he dates all the pretty girls and is amazing and awesome!!! Hes a smart ass, sometimes a dumb ass, and he sure is a sexy ass, hes dated some real skanks like Tori and Kiara, and ive always been there for hi to talk to and hug and tell me about his problems, Im the outcast, and he and me text and talk and hang out, I get to borrow his hats and phone and we listen to music and....where just good together, we can have fun, and I love him, ive been in love with Corey Lewis for 3 years now!!! Hes always on my mind, he never leaves it and sometimes it makes me mad that im so in love with him, hes always playing little games with me, tapping me on the shoulder, bumping into e while running in gym, hes funny, cute....but....Im fat, over weight, not at all pretty, ugly, im loud, I like faggy gay music....I mean, we both smoke pot together.....but....hes just so cool and hes friends with all the other guys, and me and Joe Adams, where cool lol hes a funny cute miget! XDand I happen to be friends with Caleb Linquest, Jesse Woll, me and Jacob are on ok terms lol, I don't think any of his friends like WANNA KILL ME HATE ME! but...I love everything about Corey, down to the slightest scar on his arm from dirt biking, skate boarding, or on is scooter, I love him and im afraid of goiung all summer not twlling him....hes admitted hes liked me and stuff.....Idk....I love hi tho....
June 13th, 2013 at 08:01am