Freak is A Compliment

AMC's Freakshow has taught me many things and hopefully the second season (which I'm extremely excited for) will continue to teach me many new lessons. I've already written another blog entry called "What Is Normal?" It's just giving my thoughts, and what the Freakshow has taught me, on normal. Would love for you to read that, that topic and this entry's topic are related in a way. Which brings me to what I'm goIng to share with you now.
Have you ever been called a weird? What about strange? Odd? Different? Have you ever been called a freak?

Many people use the word 'freak' as an insult. They believe it means monster, ugly or just something horrific and they use the word to discourage others and to bring them down. Before I knew of the Venice Beach Freakshow I thought the same thing. I would figure that if that title was referred to me, then I just won't ever fit in, I not good enough, I'm just too weird or different. I don't belong or I shouldn't be here.

Those assumptions are dead wrong.

The word freak has several definitions and when you look it up in a dictionary (I use, then, yes, you will unfortunately find it to mean "a strange deviation from nature or monster". These are the negative side of the word though.

It's the definition that people tend to focus on because if someone doesn't live up to society's standards, if they strive to be themselves and be different from others, then they are odd and strange. So some people call them freaks because they think that if they're like everyone else, living the way we should according to society, then those who are different should feel bad about it, almost ashamed that they're different.

No one should be put down because they are different, because no one is alike. No one is the same. We're all different in some shape or form and we should be proud of what makes us different.

A personal, but simple, example for me would be my interest in movies and shows. I like zombies and don't mind blood or gore, my parents don't like either. I wouldn't change my likes for anything, it's apart of who I am. Apart of what makes me, me, and if someone feels they should try to bring me down because of it then so be it. Honestly if I ever get called a freak by someone, I'm going to make sure I thank them because freak has another definition that should be known.

The positive side of the word freak, is one all should remember and should focus on. Freak means abnormal phenomenon. At first, to me, this didn't sound all that great, till I looked further into the meaning.

Abnormal means you "deviate from standards" , you're different. Which is something to be proud of. Why be like everyone else? That just sounds boring to me. Be you and no one else, because if someone can't except you for who you are, then you don't really need them in your life. Most likely all they'll try to do is change you, and no one should try to get you to be something you're not.

The word phenomenon is something great as well, it means "something extraordinary, or a remarkable or exceptional person; prodigy; wonder".

Be you, be remarkable, do something you love and don't care what people think. Don't let someone tear you down because you're different, be a freak and be proud of it! I know I'm different than others, but I wouldn't change for anything or anyone and neither should anyone else.
I will admit I'm not very confident. I may shy away and not mention something I love because I know others won't share my interest. I'm not saying it's easy to be against society's definition of normal and the standards that are held, but it's not impossible. I know this entry was kind of everywhere, but the point is; being different is a great thing, don't be anything other than yourself, and wear the title, freak, with pride. Freak just means you're a different type of extraordinary or amazing person. Be proud of that.

By the way I realized, according to this definition, the title Freakshow means a show of different wonders and thats exactly what it is. It's a show full of amazing people doing impossible stunts, and many other odd or different things. Watching this show has made me see things a bit differently and be somewhat more proud of who I am and I can't thank them enough for giving me this new look at things. Thanks for reading and hope you can be a proud freak to.
June 13th, 2013 at 10:17am