Scary Dream Log #4

This is the fourth dream I'm posting in a blog and probably the most intense/weird/depressing one to date. (If you're interested here is one, two, and three!) I have weird as fuck dreams but usually I can't remember them about an hour after I wake up but.... Well, I just woke up, like, five minutes ago so this dream is so fresh I want to rip my hair out.

I don't remember a lot of the beginning, just some faces, and a road trip and my dad constantly wanting to eat at the most fucked up places, getting hit by a car (only at about 5mph and screaming "CUNT" at them and flipping them the bird... ::facepalm:), and having this fucked up dog that was either trying to eat your face off or on the ground having seizures. But that's not the point. The point is the last half of the dream that is the most just... I don't even know. Fucking most depressing shit I've ever dreamed, and I have some emotionally fucked up dreams sometimes.

So let's get to it shall we?

Well, certain things happened in the first half and now I'm in a completely different world. I don't know if you've ever read the manga Sex Pistols, but it was a little like that world. Slightly. Only a little more futuristic and I don't think the whole MPreg thing was a possibility in my dream-world.

Well, I don't really remember exactly how it all got about but I'm in this world and, there are some very distinct people there who I can tell right away are very important. Right now the only one I remember is this boy who was covered with black freckles. Like black ass black freckles even though he was really pale. Mostly on his back but there were some that trickled around his forehead (mostly against his hairline but in the middle it dipped toward between his eyebrows) and shoulders and arms. had these pale yellow eyes that were almost white but not quite and big as fuck. He was, for lack of a better term, fucking adorable and really somber and dressing in this garb that was like a mix between an Arabian belly dancer and a Japanese Geisha. He looked at me so sad and cute and I've never had this feeling before and even though he must have been about fourteen, I got this really strong "mom" vibe and just sat down next to him and he came into my arms and just let me hold him like he was my baby or something. Like, serious parent-child bond type aura and looking back it was like "What the fuck?" but at the time, it seemed so natural just to hold him and comfort him and love on him.

There were some other people there, too. A man (around 20) who was more golden eyes and a faint tan and blacker than black hair. A girl (around 16) with jade green eyes and orange and black hair. A tan man (around 24) with fluffy golden blond hair, and then a boy who looked to be about my age (18) who was larger than all the rest whose eyes were almost identical to the boy's and had the same black hair, but no freckles. But knowing what I knew by the end of the dream, maybe they were just in a different place than the boy, hidden beneath his clothing.

There was an obvious sense of camaraderie and friendship between them and I knew I was the odd man out but the boy held me close, not saying much even when the other people would stare at us.

A lot of this is already fading fast so I have to skip some but basically, I find out that each of them is linked to a big cat. The man with man with golden eyes and black hair could turn into a panther. The girl with orange and black hair turned into a tiger (note: she was the smallest of the group but turned into the largest cat. My brain likes weird, quirky characters even in my sleep). The man with golden hair turned into a lion, and then the boy in my arms was brothers with the last one with identical eyes and they both turned into Jaguars. (Note: panthers and jaguars are pretty much the same thing only panthers are full black and jaguars are kind of yellow with spots. My brain is redundant sometimes as well. I don't fucking know.)

I'm sure, somewhere in the world was a cheetah shifter and a leopard shape-shifter and a snow-leopard shape-shifter and a mountain lion shape-shifter out there somewhere but they weren't featured in my dream (sad, cuz I like snow-leopards... they have fluffy paws!)

So anyway, there was also this evil dude who like wanted to suck all the life-force from these guys because they were basically super-human cat shape-shifter badasses (except the youngest- the little boy, he had yet to have reached his first shift yet and was basically the cute tag-along) and he could convert their energy to his and use it and annihilate them. Yay, supervillian is introduced!

So I'm just chillin' here being all human and shit and basically playing mommy to the little boy, while their little pack is freaking out because evil villian bro wants to suck the life-force out of them, so their training and shit, all the while, little boy is telling me about his life.

And here's where it gets really weird, because rather than just telling me, like in the real world, it's dream-world so he kind of shows me. Like, so his family- him, his bro, mom, and dad- are all Jaguars and you can tell there's just something off about them. They're just a weird family. Little Boy basically had a pretty normal child hood until his brother reached his teens, then things got a little awkward. They had been incredibly close brothers (maybe a little too close but not physically, I was starting to wonder, and my suspicions were confirmed by the end of the dream), until Big Bro reached puberty, then things kind of shifted and Big Bro started to become distant- but not just from Little Boy, from everybody. He was just a different person. Quiet a lot, very hot and cold, emotionally shut off (very much the way he was when I was introduced to him earlier in the dream). Well, Little Boy was very upset by this but he didn't want to push his brother and become hated by him, so he just tried to act like nothing had changed. He was as sweet as ever to his brother even though Big Bro was barely ever home and barely gave him the time of day. Then Little Boy started to notice that Big Bro got the most weird around their parents.

Their parents were both Jaguar shape-shifters as well and I'm not sure when exactly I realized this, but the boys were basically reincarnates of their parents. The little one matched his mother almost identically- down to the very smallest freckle, and Big Bro matched his father. Now, this is a bit of a spoiler, because I didn't realize this til the end, but their parents are also brother and sister. Yup, people, fucking incest. Bam. I said it. By the end, you also realize that every member of the group- the lion, the panther, the tiger, and the jaguars, are all reincarnates of their parents, carbon copies of them, almost like clones. Only not quite. Sometimes the gender isn't the same, like in the case of Little Boy and the tiger girl (don't ask me how I know some of the things I know in my dreams- the knowledge is just there... o_o ). So for some reason, the Jaguar part of the mold came in a split pair. There are two of them, siblings, and they are destined to fall in love generation after generation and create two new jaguars to continue the cycle and the group just has to deal with it, even though it's fucked up, because it's destiny and you don't fuck with destiny.

Well, anyway, Little Boy's story progresses and he realizes that his brother is getting weirder and weirder (in general, but mostly when their parents are around) until finally, Little Boy reaches puberty age as well and his parents let him in on the little secret- that he is destined to be with his brother and his brother is destined to be with him and they're going to make adorable Jaguar babies and happily ever after (okay, so yeah, now that I think about it, I take back that thing about no MPreg, because how else... I don't even fucking know. My dreams make no sense sometimes.) Only, well, he doesn't tell me that part, that's something I inferred happened by the end because he just skips to the part where he's crying and talking to Tiger Girl on the phone. And the only part I make out through is blubbering is:

"I'm afraid Brother is having sex with someone besides Mommy and Daddy."


Mind = blown.

At this point I'm just like WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK!??! Because apparently, not only are the two brothers supposed to be weird shape-shifter incest soul-mates but the parents have been molesting/raping/seducing the oldest son (mind you it says AND so apparently BOTH parents are doing this ASDFGHJKL!) and because Big Bro apparently doesn't like it that much, I'm thinking that is not part of the plan, not part of the whole destiny thing and their parents are just fucked up (not saying it's because of the incest thing, because I don't fucking know, just they happened to be bad apples and Little Boy and Big Bro are stuck with the short end of the stick having to be their kids and deal with this shit as if having to fall in love with your own brother is not bad enough.) So Little Boy seems to be afraid that his brother is in a relationship with someone else and that his parents are going to get pissed and punish him for it so Tiger Girl is just like, "Okay, we'll think of something."

Fade out of flashback thing...

So, you can see that there are a lot of holes in my version of the story opposed what I told you to help you understand. At this point I'm like WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK IS GOING ON HERE?!?! Because a) just realized the little boy in my arms is the product of incest, destined for incest, and will create incestuous children in the future b) um, hi, what? if Big Bro was in another relationship, where's that person? c) how did they go from "we'll think of something." to this?

My guess is that where all the shit with the parents occurred was about two years back (because the boy is fourteen now and that was when he first hit puberty, so he was probably twelve), and far away and this generation of cat shape-shifters booked it out of there to escape their parents (mainly the Jaguar brothers') and now they're here getting ready for the big show down with Supervillian Bro.

And from what I can tell, Big Bro wants nothing to do with Little Boy. My guess is it's a mix between, he's just fucked up in general from being molested by his parents and the fact that he really, really loves his brother, but he knows he loves him more than he should and he's a little ashamed of that and doesn't want to accept the fact that they're *insert cheesy hallelujahs here* ~soul-mates~. Blah blah blabbity blah.

So some more stuff happens that I don't remember and suddenly we're at the show down with Supervillian Bro. Now, something happened along the way that I can't remember but basically, Big Bro is incapacitated and incapable of fighting- in fact he's basically just given up and has decided that he will give himself over to Supervillian Bro. Just know that it's around that time that I start to put all the pieces together so all that extra shit I've been telling you comes to me right about meow or after the big finale, right before I wake up.

Well, they're confronting Supervillian Bro and Big Bro is about to give himself over to him, when suddely stupid Little Boy decides to grow a back bone and even though he still doesn't know how to shift yet and is basically weak and useless, he starts begging Supervillian Bro not to hurt his brother, to take him instead, blah blah blah. Of course, Supervillian Bro, is, well, a supervillian so he's like "Haha, fuck that!" and some magic mambo-jumbo goes down and he starts to hurt Little Boy, which in turn pisses of Big Bro who kind of has a waking up moment, and tries to defend Little Boy but is easily fucking clobbered, thus leaving him dead/unconscious on the floor. I think he had like an arm blown off too/sucked up by Supervillian Bro's life-force sucking powers... Which was weird and... gooey.

This makes Little Boy really pissed and he freaks the fuck out and starts to attack Supervillian Bro despite the fact that he's weak, never trained before, and still has no idea how to shift (translate as: he's basically useless). Well, despite all that, he's actually kind of holding his own against Supervillian Bro, and maybe is even almost winning the fight until Supervillian Bro is like "I'm tired of this shit!" and blasts him. Like seriously, it was gross. The same way Big Bro got his arm blown off/sucked up, Little Boy gets half of his upper body (half of his face/head, his arm/shoulder, down to about just under his rib cage) all just gone. So, basically, dead, ja?

Well, it was weird, because I was getting this vibe that they had died, the two of them, facing each other, close but not touching, like some pathetic, depressing star-crossed lovers. But at the same time, they were fixable. Like, maybe, the rest of the group could put them back together again and they would be okay. It was this weird feeling. Like, they were very much dead, obviously, right in front of me, but at the same time, the kind of weren't. Like, maybe, just maybe, we could save them and they would be okay.

And they really needed to be okay, because they were supposed to carry on the line of Jaguar shape-shifters so if they weren't, the group was kind of fucked.

Well, fuck me, with my great timing. Then I wake up. Yay. -___- And I'm still just kind of like... WHHHAAAATTT????!!! Like seriously, what did I just dream? That was some fucked up shit. Like, I still don't even know what to think about it.


I kind of want to turn it into a story. Like my first incest story. It would be weird, but I think it would make a good book. I dunno... What do you think? Would you read that book? I think I would read it. I'm just not sure. What do yall think?
June 15th, 2013 at 11:40pm