About: Summer Clothes, Societal Standards, and How I'm Female

Okay, descriptive title. But yeah, I went shopping for shorts today with my mom and dad. As we went from store to store, I was wondering why all the girl shorts were so short and low cut. Seriously, most of the shorts I saw would be better off if they were marketed as underwear. We'd gone to six stores and I had not found one pair that fit me correctly (I'm a bit on the chubby side, after all). Suddenly, I saw some long shorts that looked incredibly perfect. There was a very nice (and attractive) boy named Adam that recommended me some really comfortable jean shorts as well as some dark red ones and a pair of teal-ish ones. Almost down to my knee, they went up high, they stayed on well, everything was good. My dad and I were waiting on line to pay for them when up comes my mom with a bunch of tiny, short, almost see-through shorts.

"I found you some shorts!" She exclaimed with an unnatural amount of glee. As I nodded to my already full hands, her smile disappeared and a scowl took its place.

"You can't wear those."

"Why not?"

"They're from the mens section. Put them back."

"No, they're comfortable."

"But you're a girl."


"Put them back."

The arguing went on for a while and eventually my dad got fed up, told my mom that they shorts did indeed look good on me and there was nothing to worry about, and paid. The rest of the day was spent with my mom looking on, frowning at both of us. After dinner tonight, this was our conversation:

Mom: I can't believe you bought her those shorts.

Dad: I think they're unisex.

Me: I like them.

Mom: You shouldn't like them.

Me: Well, I do. You can't change what I like.

Mom: They look horrible on you.

Dad: No they don't.

Mom: Yes they do. You already have short hair. You already wear boy shirts. People will think you're a boy.

Me: So what?

Dad: She has boobs, doesn't she? They'll know she's a girl.

Mom: What are we raising here, a transexual?

Dad: Don't say that like an insult. They look fine, end of discussion.

So today I've learned some things. Apparently society doesn't want girls to wear long shorts. My mom wouldn't like it if I was transexual (She's cool with other people, just not me. Same goes for Lesbian or Bi. No problemo for others, but it better not be me). Boys clothes are a lot more comfortable than girls clothes. I'm apparently viewed by others as a guy. I'm still supposed to care what people think.

Bottom line: I'll wear what I like and if you don't like it, then tough.
June 17th, 2013 at 05:53am