
Today, I just finished a book called, "Boot Camp" By Todd Strasser.
It was a REALLY good book! The way he used his characters, especially Garret Durrell (The Main Character of the story) was amazing! I fell in love with Garret throughout the entire book. He was a true hero!. His character development was very well written, and the details, and the imagery of the book were told as if I was there. But enough with that,
Let me get to the point. Towards the ending, Garret seemed a little odd. And when I read the last page, he a was a completely different person. The author left it open ended! D:

It was so upsetting! There were so many things he had to do! and now, he changed himself. He changed himself, out of fear....

I Highly recommend that people read this book, if you guys like a little suspense...

And, I recommend "Wish you were dead" also written by Todd Strasser. They are both VERY good books! :D
June 17th, 2013 at 11:25pm