My dog looks like Snoop Dog

Yes hello this is Actual Thug Obama turned BILINSKI. I'm still totally presidential, though. Onwards:

I used to think my dog looked like Adam Levine, but now I just realize how silly I was. Because my dog is def Snoop's twin. Just look:


Snoop Dog:


Snoop Dog:


Snoop Dog:

Just... yeah. They are the same. They are like BROTHERS. Little snoop doggy brothers.

It's uncanny.

And now to fill up the 100 word requirement, I am going to talk to you about fuckin' SUMMER VACATION. I AM ON IT, RIGHT? I do online school so it's like I'm on a permanent vacation and shit already and so now I'm just doing the same thing I used to do without the thought of "oh I should be doing school" that makes everything else besides school so much fun.

So now that I don't have school I just.

Sit. and. Watch Total Drama Action.

And uh. Sit some more.

And then Netflix went BOOM this morning along with my Wii that plays the mother effing netflix so I am just... distressed. EMOTIONALLY DISTRESSED. HELEN MAYBE THIS IS WHY I WANT TO WRITE HET I AM EMOTIONALLY DISTRESSED
June 19th, 2013 at 12:28am