Who gives you the right!(tired of people giving anon hate)

So i just put this on my tumblr. i have been seeing so much hate from anons on tumblr and ask it makes me sick. sooo i write this and i'm posting it everywhereee

Who the hell are you to sit behind a computer screen, go on anon, and tell someone to kill themselves to cut their wrists that they are no good that they are worthless. who the fuck are you to to that? you know what that makes you? a coward. that deserves to be punched by every single person on the face of the earth. then, maybe, you will feel how that person feels. how the person that you kicked while they were already down feels. but you probably still wont even feel half the pain they do. Imagine if someone did that to you’re little brother or sister. if someone went on anon and told them to kill themselves. then you walk into their room the next morning to see why they haven’t come down for breakfast yet. but the door is locked. you yell through the door. get no answer. you start to panic. you yell louder now, shaking the door handle. still. nothing. finally you slam into the door hard enough with you’re body to finally knock it in. you stumble into the room out of breath only to come to a halt as you see your baby sister/brother laying on the floor with an empty bottle of pills and blood around them. in their hand a note that says “i only did it because they told me too” you look at the computer and the message is up ” why dont you just kill yourself you worthless piece of shit!” because of that your baby sibling is dead. gone. never going to see them again. you would be crushed. you wouldnt know what to do. you would cry whenever you think about them. you’re family would be broken with no way to ever be whole again. think about that. how does that make you feel? now why the hell would you EVER do that to someone else and their family. Are you really that awful of a person to make someone who already hates everything about themselves hate themselves more?
June 19th, 2013 at 03:48pm