Haunting Frustration

She looks at herself in the mirror and is frustrated by what she sees. Even though she fights against the idea that she has to be 90, 60, 90 to be beautiful, she desires this to feel beautiful. She looks around her, at all the skinny girls who have just the right sizes and how pretty they are. What will it take for her to finally feel comfortable with herself? She exercises, eats properly, drinks a lot of water but she still does not get the body that she wants. She has given up many times and has tried it again but she is never satisfied. Besides, she has big bones and even if she loses a lot of weight she is never going to look small. She wishes she could go back to the days were she did not care about her weight and did worry about looking fat or felt that guilt of eating something that is going to make her look fat.

But then she remembers that it is not all about being fat or skinny, that there is much more to a person that their weight and she realizes that people who truly love her, love her for who she is and not for how much she weighs. She hopes that someday she will stop caring so much about her weight and can enjoy life without this hunting frustration.
June 20th, 2013 at 03:41am