More Updates!

I wrote an Updates post, like, months ago, but I'm too lazy to come up with a new title so you'll have to deal with this.

Okay so. I know I've been slacking on updates lately. I had to go on hiatus from March to May, but I'm back now. I've been updating slowly, but at least I'm still doing it, right? The reason for my hiatus is that I was in a really dark place after March, and I kind of ended up becoming an inpatient in the psych ward at a far away hospital (yeah, I'm so crazy, I had to be relocated). I won't say much more, but if you have any questions, you can message me. I don't give a fuck if it's personal; it's the internet and you people don't know me and probably don't give a fuck so I have no problem saying what happened and what I did.

Anywhore. Shay (TeamTonyVincent) and I have been planning some cowrites for weeks. They're all up, summaries and layouts and everything, but we have yet to begin writing and updating. I want to get a few things of my own up and running before any of those start, and believe me when I say I've been working hard. I've gotten some updates out in the past few weeks, so I hope those have been enough for my readers in the meantime.

With yesterday being my last day of school, I'll have a lot more time to just sit around and do nothing (in between moving to a new city) but write and write and write! You know what they say; patience is a virtue c;
June 20th, 2013 at 11:09am