You wanted my problems... TAKE THEM.

They are all yours! Happilly. I'm intrusting in you to take care of it. I don't know if maybe I am too far gone to ask for this kind of favor or if all is forgiven. I not completely sure. But I need something done. I need to be taken care of too. I want to curl up in a ball and just give up. Say fuck everything and everyone. But I can't so that's where you come in. I can't carry this burren on my own. My shoulders are too wary and I have a bad back. My heart is hurting and my head is throbbing. My emotions are on empty and I can't always blame my wet, bloody shoot eyes on allergies. People will know I've been crying. So please, I beg you. Please help me. I'm giving it all to you in hopes you will proect me, shelter me, craddle me, and take care for these problems. I'm just not strong enough.
June 21st, 2013 at 07:08pm