There is hope.

If you're feeling alone or worthless, never give up.
You are worth it, and you're not alone.
I am here for you. I will always be here for you.

I am coming from a background where I always felt alone and worthless.
Like everyone was against me. Like the whole world just forgot who I was.
But soon I found out who I really was, and I found out that I am proud of who I am, and my flaws and differences.

I found Love and friendship and that was all I needed. It was hard , being who I am I had gotten a lot of hate. I got made fun of, laughed out and stepped on. It hurt me physically and emotionally and I had no idea what to do.
I began cutting myself and having suicidal thoughts and it started getting around because I was 'apparently' showing signs of depression which I didn't notice myself.

Eventually I started looking around to the people who did care and it made me feel so much better and now I'm as happy as can be! You're never alone because you have me, and we may not know each other but I'd Love to know you. You're special in your own way ad no one can replace that.

People put you down because their own lives suck. They have no life or soul and their just flat out low lives. But us good people have so much life ahead of us we're worth ever single second and minute and days and months and years.. And well, forever <3
June 24th, 2013 at 04:08am