Upset and Could Use Some Help...

I really have no idea how to register for classes at my college. I'm so pissed right now. What I want to know is, WHY IN THE HELL DO THEY MAKE IT SO DIFFICULT TO FIGURE COLLEGE WEBSITES OUT??? Seriously. I'm so frustrated right now. And SERIOUSLY! They don't know how to communicate. Shouldn't they like, put the most important info out there first? Not all that crap about stupid stuff that isn't important??? Like, okay, put 'registration info, registration forms, financial info/forms/help, and ESPECIALLY a How To guide right at the top. The rest of it is later stuff. Like, why do I care about freaking CLUBS if I'm not even registered yet??? Maybe they should have separate pages for looking into the college and registering. AND, they REALLY need to tell you the EXACT steps to applying and registering. Seriously. I am so pissed off I can't even SPEAK properly after filling out form after form online only to be told that I need to do THIS form FIRST, in order to fill this one out!

So, if anyone has any tips or has done this before (This is community college, and probably pretty uniform throughout the US, I'd say) I'd appreciate help...
June 24th, 2013 at 07:57am