Guess Who's Back?

Hello to whoever is reading this!

I haven't spent much time on Mibba in over a year (read: blog entries), and now that it's summer and there is literally shit-all to do at work most of the time and I'm not a very social butterfly, I am back.

I don't know how long this being back thing will last because I have a lot of reading to do before I start Cegep (it's the equivalent of grade 12 and 13 of high school for non-Quebecers) in August. One of the downfalls of going into literature: the reading list that is, in theory, never ending.

Now, writing wise, I've actually been kind of active this year. I started Red Roses in November and I am on my eighth chapter already (although only 6 are posted on Mibba). It's my longest running story so far, but the one with the least words. Damn Intertwined with it's 8,000 words. Plus, I posted a new short story called Red which is a re-telling of Little Red Riding Hood and I don't think I've ever written something that good before, in my opinion. I love Red, but I love Red Roses more because it's my baby. It touches close to home though, so it's to be expected.

As well, I've joined a contest and I'm planning on reviving some. I might even start a contest of my own, who knows! I really have too much time on my hands during the summer and I'd really like to do something mildly productive this summer.

Anyways, I hope I'm not just talking to myself and if I'm not look, out for updates and new stories.

Have a great summer, guys!
June 24th, 2013 at 04:09pm