So I just graduated High School today...

...and I'm in my room, crying my eyes out.

I've always had "Daddy Issues", but he hasn't said anything to me yet. No "congrats!" or "I'm so proud!" He didn't even take any pictures with me. As soon as he was let out, he went straight back to the car. Then yelled at me for taking too many pictures with my friends.

That's where my favorite teacher comes in. I've had him every single day for all four years. He's become so much more than a teacher to me. He's my mentor, my best friend, my father figure, everything.
When I got my diploma and walked up the aisle to get back to my seat, I passed him on the way. He was actually crying a bit and he hugged me and told me he was so proud of me and that he loved me.

He's done so much for me these past four years. When I had a terrible TERRIBLE break up with an ex, I practically ran to his room. He wasn't there, so I just sat at his desk and called him. He talked to me and helped me feel better. He's done so much more, but that's just the first things that comes to mind. He's always there for not just me, but all of his students. I'm so grateful to have him in my life.

In my yearbook, he wrote that I was the reason he taught and that life "gets better" and that he's so proud of all the accomplishments I've had throughout high school.

My dad didn't even know I was Editor of my yearbook, or that I graduated with honors. My dad doesn't even know what my favorite subject is. Or the name of the school I'll be attending in August.

I never thought my english teacher would be more of a father to me than my actual father.
June 26th, 2013 at 03:27am