The main theme of So Long

With every story that I write, there is always a theme, a message, a moral, etc. that I want my readers to have with them even after the story is over. Though I do write to entertain myself as well as others, the more important purpose, for me, has always been to send a message. This is my art and this is my way of communicating to the world, so I’d like to send something positive out there.

With So Long, the message may have been pretty obvious to some, but I’d thought I’d spell it out anyways. The message I was sending was that you should not let anything hold you back, and most specifically, your past. We all go through things in life that change us as people, our mindset and our mentality; things that might give us a boost of confidence or give our mind new things to fear. Whether the experience is a good one or bad one, I want us to keep in mind that it is in our hands if we let it weaken or strengthen us. It’s up to us whether we let it chain us to the past, or progress us towards a better future. Every negative can be manipulated into becoming an advantage.

I’ve talked to some wonderful people that I’ve had the chance to get to know because of my stories, and I am constantly hearing so many stories of what you guys have been through in your lives and it breaks my heart. So Long is a story, but the pains that each character experiences are realities. I’ve listened to many of you suffering from similar—and sometimes worse—situations. So, when reading this story, I want you to keep in mind that Frank and Gerard are characters, but they’re a representation of some sort of reality. They are a representation of what each of you can do with the hardships you face. You can overcome them. Whether it’s through finding the right friend or partner, or simply doing some self-exploring and finding that strength in you, you do have the ability to get through whatever life throws at you. So do not let the past hold you back. I believe in every single one of you guys. You can take it your life and change it, make it better, in the same way that Frank and Gerard did. The secret is to just keep moving.

While writing this story over the course of a year, I went through a lot of hardships of my own; some of them you guys knew about through author’s notes, and some of them you didn’t, but this story was always a constant reminder for me that being stuck in the past is no way to live. And that’s what I’ve been trying to tell myself and so now that’s what I’m telling you.

And sorry this is long, and also probably really cheesy, but I think you guys are worth it and so much more. You deserve to read all this and you deserve to believe it. So keep your heads up and keep your mind on today.

I love you guys
June 26th, 2013 at 08:03am