Working on New Story (Opinions on Summary?)

Lately, I've been working on a new story "Kings For A Day" (I'm not too far along). As you might suppose from the title, the story is loosely based on the video to Pierce the Veil's song, "King for A Day." I've been doing a lot of research as to what working in a bank is like to make the story believable and all that jazz, but what I'd really like to ask is- Would you rather read a story that's Vic/OC or Kellin/OC? I'm considering making it Kellin/OC, as my last story was Vic/OC, but the story is not completely focused on the romance, more on undermining the thieving branch manager "Hubert Smalls". I'd be happy to collab with someone on this. After watching the video, I wanted my OC to be the red-headed girl in the polka-dotted red shirt and black skirt, but the decision is not concrete. She's going to be in her mid-twenties and pretty bored with the career she has chosen in her life. Vic is one of her colleagues,but not really her "best friend", though she hangs out with his brother. Kellin's new at "CCB" (the bank) and is doing the accounting etc when he finds an error in the system. The branch manager has been leeching money from dormant accounts in the bank to his own offshore account at the Haven Bank of Sweden. Reluctantly, he informs Vic and the OC and they look into it, conducting a full background check before seeking revenge for all the people he's screwed over. Does the story sound interesting enough to read?
June 27th, 2013 at 04:01am