Rambling [Looking for Japanese language learning buddy!] (Vampire Knight, Other Anime, Learning Japanese, Mibba RP, Birthday Camping Trip, etc)

Just started watching Vampire Knight again for the first time since like, eighth grade, and I'm still just as in love with it as ever... It made me want to start learning Japanese again, like I started to in tenth grade with my best friend. I'm always a bit spotty with learning languages. I get bored easily... It always seems like I can never stick to anything. I suppose that if I continue watching subbed anime, I'll continue hearing that beautiful language, and I'll still want to learn it... And it would help if I had someone to learn with me. I already understand a lot of what's being said in Anime's because of what I learned...

Anyways, I've never seen Bleach before, so maybe I'll start watching that next, after I finish Vampire Knight Guilty. And re-watch Deathnote. And all of the other ones I watched in Jr. High. I suppose a true love of anime is something you never really grow out of, even if you stop watching it for a long time because you're too busy. Haha.

Hopefully, living in a new place, and with so much time on my hands, I'll be able to stick to it!

In other news, I started roleplaying on Mibba. Mibba roleplay is so different from roleplay on Tumblr or Facebook, both of which I've had experiences with. Mibba seems like it's a lot more fun. :3 I'm also roleplaying an Original Fiction (it is slash though), which is something I've never done before... I might like it more than fanfiction, even. There's a lot more leeway with what you can do when you're not bound by the structure a character already has even before you start... Anyways, I'm doing this with DryIce. who's also my best friend, and our thread is about a cowboy from Texas who's in the closet, and moves to NY to go to art school and meets an openly gay partially native-american guy. So far that's all the plot we've got, but it's so much fun already! :D I'm super excited about it...

OH! And, my birthday is next weekend! (Not this coming one, but the next) Normally, I don't even have a party, but this year it's my 18th, and I'm legally an adult, so I'm going camping with my sister, all my friends, and a bunch of my family! I'm so excited! :D :D :D I can't WAIT! Although for four days I won't have any Anime or Mibba or Facebook. XD *sadface* But the partying and happiness will be worth it, and I know I'll come back happy and refreshed. :3

Anyways! I'm off to watch more Vampire Knight Guilty, and write down the Hiragana characters. I've completely forgotten all of them! How sad! I used to even know a bunch of Kanji, and most Katakana, and now, NOTHING! I have some serious work to do!

Peace and Love!

Em :*
June 27th, 2013 at 08:45pm