Writing Prompt Blog. Two Truths and one lie. Also a life ramble =3.

I'm so happy to do this prompt =3. I love this game, ever since first played it on the first day of Drama I.

Ok so here are my two truths and a lie:

1. I've met the bassist and guitarist of Burn Halo.

2. I've had my hair dyed pink before.

3. I've met all of Get Scared.

Which one do you think is the lie and what are the truths?

So my life ramble today is that honestly I feel like my life is at a really good place right now.
I mean my self esteem has been the best it's been since first grade. I feel good about myself, I honestly do. I feel like I look good. I now hang around people and friends that are amazing people and are good people to be hanging out with. I took all the negative people out of my life. I signed up for college and all that, so I have that to look forward to. I feel happy, actually happy, and I haven't felt this emotion for this long in a long time. My life isn't perfect, but it is good and it is beautiful.

Well to those who read this I would like to know, if you'll tell, how's your life? Is there anything going on that you're happy or excited about? Is there something you wanna say that you just want to let out?

Well that's all for this blog, thank you for reading =3.
June 28th, 2013 at 01:17am