Ughh, boys stink sometimes!!! </333

Okay, okay. I admit, this is partly my fault I'm in eigth grade now and all, and I like this one guy, I have since the start of seventh, so i've liked him for about a year. I had no courage to tell him, and stupid me, on the last day of school, I finally got one of my friends to go up and tell him.
I was surprised to find out he actually liked me, too. Although, it was the last day of school, and he didn't want to start a relationship like that and all. I was so depressed. Now, it's eigth grade. I talked to him all summer online, sometimes for an hour at a time. In school, we look at each other and just stare for the longest time. One day he was walking in the halls, near one of my friends, who said hi to him, but he didn't pay attention, he was too busy looking for me. Apparently, his eyes lit up when he saw me and he smiled and ran up to me, and he walked next to me trying to push me in the wall, and I pushed him, too, playfully. All my friends think we should just be together already, but he hasn't said any thing. It's like what happened last year never existed. He acts like he doesn't know or something. My friend even asked him this year if he likes me and he took a while and said no in a way that means yes. Like he sounded really unsure and he just didnt want to say it to my friend. I dont know what to do, because I like him a lot, and I dont know if he likes me, too. HELP!!!
September 5th, 2007 at 07:33am