Food & Expiration Dates

You know how most foods have that annoying expiration date that seems to be so important? Yeah, well it's not. It's often times wrong and misleading.

Often times we throw food items away before they are actually harmful to us, the companies that produce and package these things, make the expiration date sometimes months before it’s actually “bad”. Often times the expiration date has nothing to do with safety, but more-so with how long the product can last at it’s peak best, which really only means that in order for the store to look good that it has to be done away with before/on that date.

For the more health conscious people: For best, most healthful quality, these things should be researched and then stored and taken care of accordingly. Also there are a lot foods out there that don't have those preservatives that we often think are saving us. Preservatives are in fact NOT good for you, they only make your food last longer than it's naturally supposed to. Like for example, I buy bread without preservatives and it naturally lasts 1-2 days (Opened) before it starts to mold. As annoying as this can be, it's really up to you. You can shop more consciously for your health or you can shop easily for convenience. The decision is ultimately yours. Shopping consciously can mean carefully planning your grocery list and researching what and which brands really are organic and preservative-free. Doing this may end up making you have to make more frequent trips to the grocery store, and if you can do this easily I encourage it. If this is something that isn't as easy for you, I suggest that you research some natural, organic, preservative-free ways to make what you have last.

Organic Products: Often the things we see that are labeled as organically grown, really are not organic. They just have less pesticides, but there are truly organic products it just may take a little digging on your part to find out which ones really are. Again, this is not going to kill you all at once if you aren't hyper-conscious of these things, but I mean if you have the time and are really concerned with your health, this could be a small step in improving the way you feel and maybe the longer you live.

Thank you for reading this blog and hopefully it was of some help to you!
June 28th, 2013 at 06:58pm