Oh, hello there, how are you doing today? Fabulous? Me too!
Right now, I'm busy competing in the Comment Monsters Contest, which ends in something like 2 days. I don't know. Calendars are hard.
I'm 91 comments in right now and I've basically exhausted all my resources as far as looking for stories to comment on. To be honest, I'm kind of sick of looking through the main story page for stuff to comment on. I think it has something to do with me being obsessed with the back button. I don't know. I back out of like 90% of the stories I click on.
But, I figure if y'all are actually asking me for comments, then I will actually stick to reading and commenting on them. I've found that I'm pretty good when it comes to that. Mad skills, yo.
So, if you fancy getting a comment from me, just leave me a link over yonder in the comments and I will get to commenting on it before June 30 (when the contest ends)! Keep in mind, my comments have to be 100 words long, so I'm not just going to say little things if that's what you're going for. Expect longer comments that point out specific things in your story.
And I guess that's it....
Stay fabulous!