Polyamory and Other Updates

I've been think about this a lot in the past few days, especially with the big decision passed down from the US Supreme Court repealing the Defense of Marriage Act and said that the Prop 8 portion could not be ruled on because of improper representation. One of my closest friends happens to be in a polyamorous relationship. When I first met her she had a girlfriend. About a month ago they decided to bring another girl into their relationship. Before all of this, I thought polyamory was weird and taboo. I accepted it at the time because they were not hurting anyone. Now I think it is just like anyone else's love (except pedophilia and incest). It's whatever; it works for them.

A question that has been plaguing me is whether or not should we make it legal to marry more than one person. I am addressing primarily polyamory rather than polygamy, the difference being for this purpose polygamy being a man with multiple wives as well as almost exclusively culturally or religiously based and polyamory being any combination of genders having. I don't know what to think about this. Who am I to say you can't get married to the person you love. Being gay myself, I obviously support same-sex marriage. I see the struggle people are facing trying to legalize it. The main argument is that the love homosexual couples have is the exact same as that heterosexual couples have. Are polyamorous technically couples but there is not another word so whatever that different from any other couple? Is it so wrong? I honestly have not been able to come up with a good answer. If you were to ask if I think multiple partner marriages should be legal, I would say I don't know.

For me, I know a polyamorous relationship won't work for me. I am very insecure, and I know I have terrible self-esteem even though I have learned to cover it up a lot. I know in a relationship where there is more than one person would cause a lot of anxiety. I would be questioning every action and over analyzing every situation. I tend to that already with everyday interaction let alone those with a partner. I don't think I could take a partner ask to bring another person into our relationship. I would see as I was not good enough. I would probably become more introverted and build even more walls around me than already exist.

On the subject of being gay, I am down at my grandmother's house which is in the bible belt and extremely conservative. She will never know I'm gay if I can help it. My uncle just had a child and she was talking to me about having children. I know I don't want children. It was kind of hard to keep out the fact that unless there was some unnatural process took place or I had sex with someone other than my it would never happen.

I am going to try to update I Long For a Love I Know I Can't Have before I go to sleep and no later than tomorrow.

I went with my mom and we picked out two cats from a local rescue group. We will probably pick them up Wednesday when we get back to our house. One is solid black with medium length hair. He is large, but normal weight if not a little under. I instantly fell in love with him. He loved being petted. He followed me around the shelter (it's cage-free) and even let me pick him up. He had just been let out into the main shelter area for adoption a day before. They got him from the county shelter where he was on the euthanize list. I don't know why someone didn't pick him from there because he was so sweet. He is quite big (not fat, just big). They named him Bruno at the shelter. I really want to rename him Angelo because he looks like an Angelo to me. I thought of Angelo because of Motionless in White's former drummer. I thought about naming him Buttercup after Prim's cat in the Hunger Games, but that would be a little insulting. I also thought about naming him Richey after the Manic Street Preacher's rhythm guitarist, but it doesn't fit him.

The other cat has short grey hair and is a little overweight. He also came from the euthanasia list. He has been available for a while longer though. My mom really chose him. I wanted another cat the followed me around as well. Everyone who worked there was surprised because she was very shy. But in the end my mom won out because she was the one paying and the shy one would probably too challenging for us. They named him Pongee, but my mom wants to name him Mr. Grey because of a Stephan King novel and has nothing to do with 50 Shades of Grey. The people at the shelter name the cats some weird things like Tempest, Tsunami (because that sounds like he won't destroy your house), Glacier, Decibel, Cirrus, and Boysenberry.
July 1st, 2013 at 09:37am