Probably the worst date in the history of dates!

Hey, Mibba. This may sound weird, but I just had a HORRIBLE date.

So we went to restaurant somewhere, and it was one of those really fancy ones. This was our first date together, so I wanted to make it special, you know?

After we'd ordered, we began to talk. I guess I was nervous, but I kept on stuttering.

I was really embarrassed. Then, the food came. I am like, a crazy chewer. The way I chew my food is WEIRD. He kept staring at my mouth like it was some sort of alien, and I was so uncomfortable.

I got this hilarious text from my friend, and I laughed with food in my mouth.

Well, it didn't stay in my mouth long.

I accidentally spit it at him!! I was apologizing, and he said it was okay. He went off to the bathroom, and I tried to recover.

As I was recovering, I felt like I had to go to the bathroom. So I got up, and I headed to the bathroom.

More bad luck. I accidentally went into the Men's room. I saw my date going to the bathroom. Think about that. I hope no one's eating while reading THIS.

I was so embarrassed. I puked all over the floor, and I ran out of the bathroom. I grabbed my purse, and I left the restaurant.

Meaning my date had to pay for it. Jaques (that's my date) was so angry, he keeps calling me.

Yeah. That was probably the worst date ever.

I am still embarrassed, and I think that I'll probably never ever say a word to Jaques again.
July 1st, 2013 at 07:06pm