Day Six: My Point of View on Religions

Alright, let me start off by saying that if you don't agree with what I believe in, that's fine. I respect your own beliefs because it is just that. Your beliefs. I have friends that are Catholic, Christian, Atheist. You name it, I've talked to them and maybe even befriended them. As a rule of mine, I try not to talk about religion. I think it makes people touchy and defensive about their religion. I don't think that all of Christianity is wrong, and I don't believe that all of Catholicism is wrong either. I don't believe that if you don't go to church every Sunday that you'll go to hell. If God is all powerful and all knowing, why would you have to go to a specific place at a specific time to speak with God? Couldn't God hear you just as well in your own home? I also don't believe that if you're a good person, but you don't believe in God, you'll go to hell. That seems cruel to me. If there is a God, wouldn't He or She be just and forgiving? I don't like insulting other people's faith, just because it is not my own. It's not right. I think that if everyone just respected the others opinions and religions, the world would probably be a better place. I'm not saying that everyone would live in peace and harmony, but it would at least better. Anyway, enough rambling. These are my views, and I'm not pushing these on anyone else. This is just my opinions on the matter.

My views are simple. I don't know if there is a God. I also don't know if there isn't. I do not know. There are things that happen that I can't explain and wouldn't care to explain. I understand that a grandmother lifting a car off of her grandchild is chemicals. I get that. But who's to say that a boy recovering miraculously from cancer isn't divine intervention? The truth is no one knows. Where do we go when we die? I couldn't tell you. I'd like to believe that we cross over into paradise but I cannot tell you that that is certain. Do bad people go to a horrible place of torment? Maybe. Do I believe in evil? Well, yes. It's hard not to believe in the evilness of mankind. But there has to be good to balance that out, right? My mother believes in God, and she watches all those paranormal shows, about ghosts and exorcisms. Do I believe in demons? I'm not sure. If they are real, I certainly wouldn't want to come into contact with one. I don't doubt there is good in the world or that there is evil. Whether or not it's supernatural or not, the jury's still out. It's like that old Native American story said. There is a war going on inside each and every one of us between two wolves. One wolf is evil, malicious and negative. The other is good, loving and positive. The one who wins is the one you feed the most.
July 1st, 2013 at 07:45pm