I Can't <My wonderous pet peeves>

For starters I really don't like people, well I'm not that much of a social person. But in general I don't like people that much, I'm not shy at all I want to get to know people and have friendships but, I don't really like people. I'm a kind, open-minded, and mannerly person, I really am. But I just can't really stand people. I have so many pet peeves that I might as well get labeled as anti-social.

Due to the fact that I have a long list of pet peeves, I'll just dedicate my very first blog to the pet peeve that my friends (and including myself) label that is probably the most cruelest/meanest one I got. Which is:

Hearing people breathing.


Oh my fucking god, I just can not phantom the thought of

1.) Why you're so close to me, to the point where I hear your damn in take of breathe

I don't give a fuck if it's a "secret" you have to tell me, if its crowded, if we're going the same way/place/class/area just BACK THE FUCK UP. I DON'T LIKE PEOPLE YOU'RE OF NO EXCEPTION! I don't even want my own mother that close to me on a daily basis, so get the fuck away from me. Just please leave, I hardly like sitting next to people on the public transportation system, on the school bus, having my hand/arm brush against my mom's in the car so you this fucking close to me is just no!

2.) (For the most part) why is your breathe so foul.

All it takes is a damn mint. ONE FUCKING MINT, and it can be ANY DAMN MINT! A Tic Tac, Mento, Ice Breaker, ANYTHING! It can even be a fucking cough drop! I don't care. Just do anything to cover up your fucking breathe

3.) What do you get out of this?

I am dead fucking serious, what do you gain from this. What do you fucking want? Why is it me? Don't you need to be some where? My god, can't you just get your filthy peasant ass on some where? I don't fucking know you, I don't want to get to know you, You are a predator in my eyes now, just leave. Just go, please just go.

4.) I don't need to know that you're still alive

To put it simply, which it'll come out harsh even thought it's not my intention but I don't care. I'm sorry, but I don't care if your still living and breathing now. It's not personal, I do hope everyone lives a painless life and accomplish their goals to be happy but I don't need to hear your damn breathing to clarify that your still alive. As a matter of fact, just hearing your breathe that close to me is having me hope that you would drop dead. Either back the fuck up or die.

Now, I have exceptions like its a medical issue, or you ran and are catching your breath, your nervous, you have anxiety. I understand, I get you I'm not ignorant I fully understand. But it's not only the fact that I can just hear it but it's also a personal space issue. It's just that I don't really like people like that.

It's weird, I have big groups of friends, I have tons of family, I can function in everyday life with the occasional crowd rush of people but I just. I don't know it just REALLY irks me. No, IT PISSES ME OFF. Now I'm not going to be rude and call you out in public, I'm too nice for that. I'll just suck it up and deal with it, BUT if you're a friend and you do this constantly I'll pull you aside and tell you as kindly as I can. I'll REALLY REALLY TRY my fucking best to be kind telling you.

I'm not rude or anything, but I've a VERY blunt person. I just tell, mostly my friends, my flat view of things whether its good or bad. My motto: "Would you rather hear it from a friend or a stranger". I'll let you know straight away its not my attention to hurt your feelings, but I'm being fucking honest. No bullshit, you have to face reality no matter how hurtful it can be. Just my opinion.

But anyway there goes my first of many pet peeves, I accept all comments even the critical. BUT don't be fucking rude, that's all I ask. No rudeness from you, no rudeness from me.

So comment and let me know what you think so far, and if you don't like it too bad. Many more peeves are to come
July 2nd, 2013 at 07:19am