I Don't Even Know How To Fix This. Can It Be Fixed?

If you have read my recent blog this will make more sense.

But, he's still being an asshole. No text from him or anything. I'm starting to decide on if I should just kick him out of my life all together. And if I am carrying something that we created than so be it.

You know, I didn't do this on purpose. It's not entirely all my fault we weren't careful. And I didn't beg him to start this whole no strings attached relationship. It was both of our ideas.

Stupid. Fucking. Idea.

And now, I'm stuck with a problem.

I'm late.

And on top of this, so many other problems. With, money, my living situation and my parents.

So what do I do now? Wait on his call or text every waking minute?

Hell no. I refuse to be that pitiful girl. I refuse. I will not do it again. But I will blog about how pissed off I am. Because this isn't fair to me. To just stop talking to me all together because you are scared?

Well I'm fucking scared too.

I don't know. Maybe you just need time to comprehend the situation. But that's even if there is a situation! I could just be stressed out and my cycle got rearranged.

So you know what?

Fuck you/.
July 3rd, 2013 at 12:33am