Give me Substance, Give me something

So things are progressing pretty much along the same lines.

Not as rapidly though so for now that's as much of a good sign as there will be.
Working 6 days a week and preparing to move in the fall possibly and such is pretty much what's taking up my time. Basically keeping busy

I'm going to try and talk to someone ._. it's been a lot of thinking about it and a long time and some effort towards it will be good. (really vague I know but I'll update if it goes well and such) As I'm going to try tomorrow. I really can't state enough how much I want it to work.

Ahh I've been reading a fair amount lately again, and expensive habit for me as any time I buy a book I go through it in a day or two which can mean quite a few books, But I dislike reading them online or things like that, I like old fashioned books too much I suppose. Odd one I just finished called "The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake" about a girl who can taste emotions in cooking. Odd book but interesting.

Uhmmmmm and other random facts.
-Still slightly losing weight but keeping better control of it.
-Still drinking ridiculous amounts of tea(it shall nevar stop! D:<)
-Got a new phone :3 HTC One. Got it for free cause of a phone defect in my older one.
-I still need physical therapy but cant find time for it with work 6 days x.x
July 6th, 2013 at 06:53am