Please help. Movie title?

I’ve been trying to figure the title of this movie, but I watched it so long ago that I can barely remember any details from it. In my head I can picture the characters and some other scenes, but it’s fuzzy. It wasn’t a big movie, it didn’t have any big names in it. If this sounds at all familiar, please give a suggestion. Thanks in advance.

Movie. 1990s to the early 2000s
Post apocalyptic world. Vampires have come out of the coffin. Darkness. Murder. They were seeking a murder, or murders. The girl was a detective. A tall, black haired vampire saves a blonde girl from dying by giving her his blood, it just heals her. She doesn't become a vampire, she stays human. The buildings looked like warehouses. Tall buildings, fire escapes. Made out of black or gray cement, possibly brick. Lots of shadows. Rust, sickness, poor neighborhood. Love, horror. The main character, the black-haired vampire was lonely and dark, violent, but he came to care for the blonde-haired detective.
July 7th, 2013 at 06:16am