Weight Problems

As many you people know, I'm 4'10! I have a curvy body, My doctor said I had an hourglass figure, but I feel so fat!!! I weigh about 155 pounds (/.\) I'm able to hide my tummy, but I still can't wear a bikini I feel so self conscious. Majority of girls including quite a few of my friends are skinny and tall. My height doesn't get to me, but my weight does, especially since I have a really tall guy friend who likes to pick me up!

I go walking on the treadmill everyday for 2 hours at 3.6, the bicycle thingy for an hour, and do hip hop dance excerises. I eat pretty healthy too, I feel like I don't loose weight at all!! I hate it when when someone pokes at my stomach. Two of my best friends always complain to me I don't need to loose weight, because I'm perfect the way I am, it makes me adorable, and that I have a full figure. I always argue back I can't wear certain clothes without it looking ugly on me, and I just feel so big when someone hugs me. I hate my thighs, arms, and stomach it tears me up!

I just want to lose the size 12-13 jeans to at least a size 7, 8 or 9! I even hate when I look at clothes all the freakien models are super skinny. I even wonder what the hell guys think when they see me! I know many guys prefer the skinny girls who fit in everything.

I know many of my blogs contain many of my complains...then again aren't most blogs are?
July 7th, 2013 at 12:18pm