Flawed, Beautiful, and outragously cruel Humans

Hello I know I haven't written one of these in probably five million years. I have a topic that's really, really getting to me and I need this right now. So here we go.

I've been working at a place called Boys and Girls Club. Its for younger kids who are not preschool aged, but also not teens yet. I have just been helping out and all that wonderful stuff I didn't think I would be good at. I'm actually quite fond of this job now, and I'm not terrible at it....even with my temper, I know, crazy right? What I've noticed real fast though is that.....society has not only targeted teens with the wrong idea on weight, its also taken a toll on young kids as well. Its so sickening and upsetting to me.

I probably take this a little too personally considering that I was an overweight child myself. I had to pretty much adopt an eating disorder to control it the way I wanted, and even after that I'm still very messed up about it in my mind. Its like I cant even enjoy a meal because I'm worried about how I'm going to burn it all off.

So how did I notice this in my lovely work day today? Well It all started when I was watching over the kiddos yesterday and one particularly curvaceous girlie was hanging out with two other boys. One boy decided it would be funny to crack a joke. "Hey what's the difference between a cow and Haley? Ones actually good something! Hamburgers!" I hoped it wouldn't continue, and I just let that one slide because she fake laughed it off. I couldn't ignore later when she was crying after having been hanging out with them. Something they said had made her upset, but she wouldn't tell me what they said. Then today the same three were talking about the saying "JK" and the same kid who said the first joke said "Like saying Haley's skinny, JK! I bet you get that a lot." I really hoped to god I heard him wrong. I know I didn't though. A few other things were said about her weight today, but from a couple little boys who look up to the "clever jokester". God, I don't even know what to do. I told the main woman, Jean, about it. She totally agreed that It was wrong and shared some stories of her own.

At the time this hadn't really bothered me, but now thinking back. I should do something, anything! That poor girl is like how I was. It hurts to see her hurt and be made fun of. And really....who do they think they are?! We all have our own flaws. So....let me get this straight...because our flaws are different it makes sense for us to make fun of other peoples? That's a load of crap! Its not right and it just makes me so mad and upset.
July 11th, 2013 at 03:15am