Why I Love Black Veil Brides

Hey guys. So I felt like I should let you know a few things. As you can probably tell, Black Veil Brides is my all time favorite band. They are truly my saviors, they saved my life.

(I'm not trying to turn this into a rant, just to be clear) I feel like sometimes people are very quick to use the term "they saved my life." But I'm serious, without BVB I would have most likely killed myself. This is kind of hard to write about, but I used to cut a lot and I was very depressed. I thought about killing myself all the time unfortunately. Then, one day, I discovered the wonderful Black Veil Brides. I listened to every song I could, and I soon found myself listening to them all the time. Over time, BVB gave me the strength to stop cutting, they gave me a reason to stop. I haven't cut in quite a while now. :)

Like I said before, people are quick to say a band saved their life. I don't believe saying "they saved my life" is a replacement for "I really love this band", they don't mean the same thing.

Also, I don't just like them because of their looks. Trust me, I understand that Andy's hot, I have eyes. I like to think of it this way- when a band member's hot, it's like the icing on the cake. It's truly the music that counts.

Black Veil Brides put so much effort into everything they do, and it inspires me to no end. They had no major support when they were first starting out, in fact Andy was told that he wouldn't make it as a rock star. Well, look where they are now.

They are all living proof that if you follow your dreams, you can do anything. I'm not trying to just give you some fairytale bullshit, I'm serious. I mean, just look at BVB. Andy had a dream as a kid to become a rock star in a band. Lots of people told him he would never amount to anything and that he should just quit. But he kept at it, improving his work along the way. Along with Jake, Jinxx, Ashley, and Sandra they released their first album, something others said was impossible. They continued on, grabbing CC along the way, producing two more albums, Eps, and a full length film. Now, they are headlining Warped Tour and have a huge fan base!
So there you go, there's your proof.

BVB's lyrics are all original and have a purpose. They spend time on everything, they don't pay people to write songs for them.

Last thing, I really can't stand when people talk shit about them. Although they have dialed down their appearance at the moment, who gives a fuck? They can dress however they want to. And if you don't like something, you don't have to tell everyone. (Sorry, this is becoming a rant) And like I said before, appearance really doesn't matter. Like today at Warped, these people started calling them names and singing a song (yes, a fucking song) about how much they hate BVB. And then, they noticed my BVB shirt and flipped me off and started cussing me out. (I decided to hold in my anger and just flip them off and walk away.) I don't understand that. Why the need to make others fell bad? And if you "hate them", then why did you bother to make up a song?

Anyways, enough of the negative stuff. My point was BVB is so much more than just a band to me. I may be just a fan to them, but they are so much more to me. They saved my life, and I hope someday I will be able to thank them in person.

Never give in. Never back down. <3

~Amber Extermination
July 11th, 2013 at 05:04am