I'm A Terrible Person/Kinda-Sorta Why I Vanished From Writing For Almost A Year

So, this is a wee bit awkward.

Hi, my name is Icamane, and I'm a terrible person.

As you may possibly know, or don't know, or inferred, or don't care, I started college last August as a theatre student. While college is absolutely amazing (if not a bit difficult at times) and I love theatre to death, my writing has virtually stopped since I started. What. The. Hell.

I have however come up with a few reasons to why this happened, but they are all a bit lame.

One: I actually pay attention in class now.
But seriously. High school, I had more notebooks filled with writing tidbits than I did notes. I mean, I paid attention, I just never took notes, mostly because I never study and usually rely on memory. But college is so much different. The only classes I seem to be able to "not focus" in are my non-major classes, because in the classes that matter, I either have to take notes, the class is too small for me to get away with writing, or I actually want to pay attention. This isn't too much of a problem, because I have loads of other time to write, right?

Two: I don't procrastinate like I used to.
This sounds really dumb, but it's true. My "free time" is spent either working extra hours in the prop shop, doing homework/projects, hanging out with my friends, or being on the internet. I haven't seriously sat down and written in ages. Since college (especially living in the dorms) is like one big hangout, I was always around someone. My roommate was also in my circle of friends, I had two others in my building, and my bestie from high school and two more friends were in the building next door. We were always hanging out. And I realize now that left me very little time for myself and writing. I plan on fixing that starting now since I live off campus and have even more control over my life, but it seems that any time I wasn't hanging out or doing homework, I was on Tumblr the Internet. I need to pull my life together, seriously.

Three: Fandom Hopping
I apparently have a fandom equivalent to ADHD. I'm typically motivated to work on certain fanfics when I'm in the mood, or involved with the fandom currently, or something like that. And while getting into new fandoms is super great, it leaves you unmotivated to work on fic for anything else BUT that fandom. Here's small chart of where my fandoms have been going recently:
Start of College: Sometime in First Semester: Christmas Break:
MCR! ------------------>Sherlock! (no fic written, but still)--->Naruto! (over 100 episodes watched
Second Semester: Summer:
here) ----->HOMESTUCK! (like, woah) ------------------------------------------->Game of Thrones! (fuck, I'm still not caught up with HS)

...yeah, something like that ::shifty:
So needless to say, this is why I haven't updated Last Fight since... last... year? Oh gods. Why.

Four: I'm a lazy, selfish human being who already has everything written in my head, so why should I actually bother to write it down?

...no, that pretty much sums everything up.

So, those are my terribly trivial reasons as to why I pretty much disappeared off the face of Mibba/writing for a year. I will say that I am going to try and write more (like, actually write) and I may NaNo it up, depending on my schedule. Honestly, I just need to write a little bit every day. Word goals, bro. Word goals. I really just need to quit whining and kick myself in the pants. Yes. That should do it.

But not to fear. When I DO start publishing again, I have some great ideas for fics, I kinda know where certain fics are going, and I plan on finishing some more shit this coming year. Or I could just start fics and never finish them ::facepalm: No! I will do it! I will finish all of the things!

Until next time,
July 13th, 2013 at 08:09pm