Post-Series Depression

It happens every time I finish a series, TV or books or what have you. I just feel...bleh ever since I finished Unholyverse.

It's like, my main focus was that series for four days straight, and all I wanted to do was read before bed. And now? I don't have that.

I absolutely adore reading. It's so great to be able to transport yourself into another world just through words; different styles bring different images and tones and emotions. And when I find a series where I become emotionally invested in each and every character, I want to read it forever.

I want every single detail, however insignificant. I want the mundane every day occurrences, the little moments that pull on other memories, the big events to change the course of the future. I want everything.

But it ends.

And I'm left with this giant void that the words had been digging out; the part of me that was so invested, interested, dying to continue, is inactive. So I look for a new series, or even just a single story, to take its place. None of them are the same. Nothing has the same pull. I'm left not knowing what to do with myself or filling in my time with sub-par writing, just hoping it will make a difference.

And it doesn't.

It's been forever since an actual published book held my attention for more than a few pages, mostly because young adult books are so predictable (I mean, come on, think of something new). But partly, I just can't find something I want. The majority of female characters get on my nerves; the majority of heroes and anti-heroes and villians seem to be carbon copies of each other.

That discourages me from even trying to find something. I mean, I really loved the Mortal Instruments series for a while; then I realized that Clary was the most annoying girl I'd ever read about, and Alec, a small background character, was the only reason I was reading. He was interesting, with not-too-complicated complications. Like, sometimes I think some of the crap Clary and Jace went through was to make the stories not 'boring.' I don't know.

There was a point to that tangent, I think. Basically I have found the 'best' novels to be made from the same formula.

I'm just bored with what's available. I want something new.
July 14th, 2013 at 03:46am