Sad day in the Glee fandom

I woke up this morning to my mom coming into my room going "Who is Cory Mowen or something?" and I just looked at her like what? "she was like he played on glee." and I was like "Oh cory monteith what about him?" she was like "he died." and I didn't believe her at all I was like nu uh no way I don't believe you and she goes SAmmy made a status about it. So I went on my computer and looked up cory monteith dead and sure enough he died last night. I'm so sad about it because he was a really good character on glee and he just made everything believeable and he was a good person (from what I saw from youtube videos) too. I also feel bad for Lea Michelle, they were going to get married and have babies to find out about this news. I love how when I'm on tumblr I see all the Fandoms coming together to support the Gleeks and saying they will vote for glee over their show on the teen choice awards. I've been sitting here trying not to cry but when I see post of cory and lea that's when the tears come. For example this; I was hit with the thought last night that Cory will never get to meet Heather Morris’ baby.. The first glee baby.

July 14th, 2013 at 09:01pm