Hiatus & Stuffzzz

Alright motherfuckers. Yes, another hiatus is being taken from Mibba on my behalf. I know it's getting annoying, having my stories updated all at once then suddenly nothing's being posted for weeks. I keep getting my muse back and losing it, and believe me, it's annoying me, too. But I'm not here to talk about that. I actually wanna talk about my life, yep.

So recently, something happened that put me way under, yet again. It sucks, because it was promised that I wouldn't be let down again. I was promised repeatedly. Do promises not mean anything anymore? So I was a bit of a mess for a few days, and honestly, I wasn't sober for a damn one. I was pretty much just getting high and sleeping for half of last week, but that's not much different than how I spend my normal summer vacations - as far as "normal" goes when it comes to me.

Anyway. There were some plans foolishly made of me moving in order to live with my (now ex) girlfriend, and they obviously fell through because, come on, how would it have worked? Really... These plans were made so I could recover and get better, because I haven't been doing so well the past few months years. But because promises are made to be broken, people are meant to leave, and plans are made to fall through, I will have no issue relocating on my own.

I will be completely and utterly alone. By myself. Living my life the way I want. And I think that's better than any future I could share with anyone, especially her. I mean, how did I ever expect to be held into a relationship? I can't wear the same shoes for a week straight, let alone commit to anyone. Like holy fuckin' fuck, I date a person then get bored of them a few weeks later. And then I'm onto the next one. So why did I stick around for two years? Because I never really had her. And we all want what we can't have, right?

Well, I'm done with that. I have wasted two years on her, and drugs, booze, and self harm because of her. I'm not living that way anymore. I'm done waiting around for people who can't appreciate me, keep her promises, or even tell the fucking truth from the start. I'm done hating people because of her, and not trusting them because of what she did to me. I don't want to live a life of emptiness because of a single toxic person who should have never been a part of it in the first place. No more months will be spent wondering if she's thinking of me, or waiting around for the day that she does. I will waste no more time on her. I mean it this time.

And I swear if you fucking comment on my blog again, you will be receiving a very heated message on why that's completely pointless and pretty much just plain pathetic.

Now here's some very wonderful gifs of my bby, AKA Fronz.

July 16th, 2013 at 08:43am