From Under Willow Trees, To Under Sheets.

Everyone changes eventually. They change so much they can't even recognize themselves anymore. I've lost my old self. The pure, softhearted, loving one. Where did it go? Where am I? Why am I trapped under this skin I don't know. This face, it looks so different. These eyes, they've seen so much and aged. This body has grown into such a figure. My thoughts, they've been cursed with fear, peer pressure, and loneliness.
We all change, whether we know it or not. Look in the mirror, tell me you feel the same as you did 10 years ago. Tell me you still look a dolls and see the life you created with them. Tell me when you close your eyes, you still see the land you once saw before. When you see someone, do you think I'd love for them to come over and play or do you think wow, He or She is attractive. Be honest.
Do you still see yourself. Or something you molded yourself to be?
Remember sitting under Willow trees, so many branches to explore. Now kids sitting under bed sheets, exploring the person they are under the sheets with. You used to say ew to kisses ew to lovely words. Now you find yourself saying and doing those things now.
Stay in touch with your real, pure, softhearted, and loving self. Or you'll forever loose yourself to the crowd. And you are better than the crowd.
July 18th, 2013 at 11:45pm