Okay, this is pretty gross, and believe me, I just thought it would be interesting. Idek. So, I thoug, I'd write a hetero/ofc interrupted sex. I guess. More likely, where Jack was about to make up with his ex girlfriend although he isn't sure coz he wants Alex and his girlfriend notices this, and then she'd be mad, and Jack would run to Alex, and they'll have sex and shit. Wait, that means it's gonna be a slash, still. I DONT EVEN KNOW! I'm confused. Help me. So, I guess what I'm trying to say is, I'll write some hetero fluff but in the end it would be a jalex smut, which is, much much more preferable if you ask me. i suck in writing hetero because i really dont feel the FEELS in it. and.. I dont know. What do you think?
July 19th, 2013 at 07:00am