Hello My Pretties

Welcome my friends, to the wonderful and excitement-filled corner of Mibba that I have claimed as my own. As my profile description says, I am very good at coming up with plots. The Hard part is getting them to flow out into stories. This site will be the graveyard of all my beautiful works in progress, thoughts, and ideas. A place where the ideas I spawn can take a new life and meaning.

Well now that that is over with, it is time to get on with my formal introductions. My age is irrelevant, and my name is obviously Shanley. I live in Florida, USA and have many stupid hopes and dreams. Some to be fulfilled and some will succeed and do great things. I love music, and my tastes are very erratic. To me the genre and the musician don't matter, but the songs themselves. I am though very much in love with My Chemical Romance, and at times it can be a blessing or a curse. The same goes with books and movies, my taste is all over the place.

I'm sure if we talk we'll get along swell. Also, please ignore my Nic Cage icons, he is a old inside joke for myself.

Ta Ta
July 20th, 2013 at 04:30am