Major story pet peeve!

Warning: I’m about to rant about something that has been bugging the shit out of me for quite some time and I know a lot of people who read this might end up taking it personally and/or have a different viewpoint and that’s fine. We’re all entitled to our opinions and this is me venting mine, so here goes…

I am so SICK and TIRED of the overuse of SMUT in stories!

Seriously, I’m incredibly over it and I’m finding it hard not to lose my shit every time I come across it in stories. I don’t know how it is with Original fiction on here or any other fan fiction other than Avenged Sevenfold (because that’s all I really read) but I really feel that these days, sex is the only plot that most stories have and in my opinion, that’s not a fricken plot!

I get that some writers are translating their sexual fantasies about the guys into stories and that’s fine, but at least try to have some semblance of a plot to the story, otherwise I feel like I’m reading really badly setup and overly graphic porn.

Coz let’s face it, half of them are just that: Porn

I don’t mind one shots that centre around just sex… that’s fine, doesn’t bother me whatsoever. But when it’s a chaptered story and it feels like every chapter is filled with sex (unrealistic sex, to make matters worse), it gets incredibly boring and I find myself skimming over it, rather than actually reading it.

Now, it’s not like I have a problem with smut in a story. I really don’t. I use it myself in stories and I’ve written one shots based on steamy scenes, so it’s not like I’m prude or anything. I just would prefer it was limited to only being used when it’s necessary, not just for the sake of it.

It really drives me crazy to be reading a story that I’m really enjoying, just to have it ruined by the authors need to throw sex scenes in every other chapter that are just over the top and way too much. It just kills a story for me and genuinely makes me cringe!


It’d be nice if writers would stop and occasionally ask themselves, “hey, is this sex scene really necessary or is it does it help the plot progress at all?” If the answers no, then skip it.
I can deal with a pointless sex scene every once and a while, but not every other chapter. It’s just boring and repetitive.

Okay, I think I’ve got it all out of my system. I’ve probably pissed a lot of authors off, but hey… I did warn you in the beginning that not everyone would appreciate my viewpoint.

But I feel better now that I’ve vented. So yay!

July 20th, 2013 at 10:38am