Yet another journal entry about 1st day of college...

You're probably all sick of these, but I feel the need to let it all out... Aren't you lucky?

So first day of college today... The only person I know who's going is my best friend, but we have no lessons together. So off to a bad start already.

Then today we missed first period and went straight to second where I had a free. My friend had history and met anew friend so she wanted to hang out with her instead of me. I'm glad that she's made friends already, but I had to sit for 2 hours during my free and lunch in a cafe all by myself, which gets kinda lonely.

So then I had Psychology and History, which actually was ok, 'cept I barely got the chance to get to know anyone, and people seemed to be really distant with me. It wasn't like I was the only 'alternative' person there or anything, but I was just totally secluded.

I know that it was only the first day and everything, and most people were feeling like that, and I was fine about it earlier, but it's just now I've thought back on it I've got really down and on the verge of tears. Nice.

Distractions please? How was everyone else's day?

September 6th, 2007 at 03:14am