My Last Message

Shit has officially hit the fan.

You need to know this, mostly because this will greatly effect my updating and generally ability to go online.

As anyone who has read the bottom of my profile knows, I got hints of this coming for about a week.

My mother (who is the main breadwinner of my three-person family, which includes my older brother) sat both of us down the Wednesday before last and informed us that the firm meant to help her file for reduced mortgage was a scam that lasted for about a year and a half. So, the condo she had bought (not rented, bought) had been put up for auction that morning and we would not know if anyone had bought our home until the next week. As it turns out, someone did, and now my entire family is scrambling to pack and find a place to stay nearby.

It is likely that the only place we can stay at (and this will only last a month, maybe two) has no Internet access, and after that, the probability of me moving in with my father (who lives two or three hours away, and where I would have to transfer schools) is rather high.

This is a great upheaval, physically and emotionally, that I am still struggling with.

You can understand why I have not been writing much.

I have been comforting myself with a blatant Author Insert for ‘Rise of the Guardians’ in my imaginings, mostly because I need hugs and I don’t want my mother to know how much this is effecting me.

So, now you all know. I’m not looking for sympathy, or consolations; I just feel a reason needs to be given for my impending absence. I hope you all understand, and can be patient.

Thank you all so much for taking the time to read this, and hopefully I’ll be back with chapters for ‘Digimon Adventures and Guardian Belief’ and ‘Rise of the Guardians: Lost Souls’.

Until then, Sincerely,
July 21st, 2013 at 01:50am