Little blurb about my best friend

My Best Friend

I know this girl. The sweetheart that makes stranger’s days. The comedian that will make you smile through your tears. The drop-dead gorgeous blonde that has boys falling left and right.

She’s my best friend.

She is the most self-less human being I’ve ever met. Much to the extent she breaks the very human instinct of putting yourself first. It’s not because she knows someone’s watching, either. It’s because she legitimately cares. Her main priority is making the other person’s day. She picks up baby birds and raises them, surprisingly content with the mass amounts of bird shit on her things.

She’ll lend a listening ear, a shoulder to cry on, or anything else you need to make you happy. She’s the girl that buys crying girls’ coffees. She’s the kind of girl that will walk anywhere and everywhere to get you what you need. She’ll walk up to the pharmacy and buy you an adorable stuffed animal, and walk it to your work. Just because she knew you were having a bad day.

She can tell when you want to laugh or just want to talk. She can adapt to everyone’s humor. Words come naturally to her from anything from dirty sex jokes to fart sounds. She’ll make you feel comfortable because she accepts everyone. She’s the kind of person that will go out in public with you if you stick your tongue out every time you blink.

And she’ll kick anybody’s ass that makes fun of you.

If you’re mad, she’s mad. If you’re happy, she’s happy. She’ll make you feel like a person. Like you have worth. She’ll raise even the lowest of self-esteems, just knowing that she cares.

She’ll fight for you to the death. You’ll know she always has your back, no doubt in the world. She is the definition of reliable. You can count on her for anything. She’ll punch your ex in the stomach or answer her phone at 3 am. Anything to make you happy.

Not to mention she’s beautiful. Inside and out. She is the most beautiful girl I’ve seen. Some girls are ‘hot’ or ‘sexy’ in a skanky way. She is actually beautiful, gorgeous, in a classy way. Her bright green eyes that sparkle with cheer. Her shiny white smile that can light up a room. Her thin, lean figure with the perfect amount of muscle. Her wavy blonde hair that falls down her back. She’s gorgeous, really. I just wish she would realize it. Girls would die to be her.

But they’re not her.
They could never be.
She is a one-of-a-kind beautiful woman who has taught me the definition of compassion. Love. Friendship. Loyalty. Family. Perfection.

I would die in a second for her. There are no words to describe how much she means to me.
How important she is in my life. Without her I would’ve died 6 times over again.
She’s saved me. She has helped me through the worst.

The unbearable pain is that I know I could never do the same for her.
July 24th, 2013 at 04:30am