Let's get this straight; there is such a thing as platonic love.

To start: I am really upset right now, so this blog might end up meandering quite a bit. Also (and I don't think this will happen), I do not mean to offend anyone, and I'm also not bashing anyone. The 'you' is just in general. I just need to say this so I don't fucking explode on someone.

(Nikko, I'm sorry, this is going to get weird because people are stupid.)

If you ever decide to stalk me on here, you'll probably notice that there is one user, killjoy from detroit, who I talk to quite frequently and often with many uses of hearts. That's Nikko, and she is wonderful; she's who I would consider my best friend, in fact. Unfortunately, we live eight hours apart, so it's going to be a pain in the butt to see each other.

Now, when I discuss Nikko with my town friends, pretty much any of them, and mention that I would love to visit her after I graduate, what does their mind go to? "Whoa, dude, that's illegal."


Excuse me? Since when is being friends with someone younger than you illegal?

Oh, no. Wait. I get it.

You think I'm going to see her to have sex with her. (I cannot believe how stupid that sentence is.)

There are multiple problems with this. Let me explain, even though I've told you a million times.

Number 1: Nikko and I are friends. Just friends. Believe me, I would be gushing rainbows and puppies all over the place if we were more than that.

Number 2: I am not interested in having sex with anyone. It's not a self-esteem issue (dear god do I hate when you say that), and it isn't just because I haven't 'found the right person.' I just don't want to have sex. To be frank with you, sex is gross. And I can't even get past someone touching any part of me; what makes you think I'd be okay with sex?

Number 3: I know the fucking law, do you really think I would decide to break it for sex, which I have already stated I am not interested in?


I'm sorry, but I am so fucking sick of this. With my best town friend, I get called a dyke; I can't talk to a boy and think he's funny without someone being convinced I have a crush on him (fun fact: I hate being around men because they make me terribly uncomfortable, so if I find a boy that's tolerable, don't fuck it up by making me terribly uncomfortable with your assumptions); people don't think I can just not be interested in someone. Ever.

I have enough trouble understanding how I feel about people without you butting in where you don't fucking belong.

Now I have the urge to write about the girl that confuses me to no end because of feelings that I don't understand, and, even if I did decide one way or another, it would be impossible.

I think I lost the point of this blog, but I did warn of that. Basically, it's like this: just because people express love doesn't mean they want to fuck. For fuck's sake.
July 24th, 2013 at 05:59am