Hooked (kind of) preview | Other stuff, I guess.

So I'm working on the next update for Hooked, which I'm excited about. I've written about half of the next chapter, which will be a bit different from the other chapters. So I guess I'll give you (any reader's of Hooked who are actually looking at this) a hint as to what's coming. First, I don't normally choose actors to represent character's in my stories but for this, I thought: eh, what the heck?

So, I present to you my choices for two characters appearing in the first half of the next chapter:

Peter Pan (Evan Peters):

Tinkerbell (Claire Holt):

So, those are my choices. I think I'm pretty happen with them!

I'm hoping I'll be able to post the next chapter tomorrow, and you'll get your first bit of insight into the life of Peter Pan and Tinkerbell. Just a glimpse, really. Hopefully it all works. I always worry about this story... There's just so many different things to consider when writing it. This is definitely my most challenging story. But as I always say, I love writing it!


In other news, I'm going to see Taylor Swift on Friday! I don't care what anyone thinks. I'm excited! I'll get to see Ed Sheeran as well, which is awesome! Really, I'm quite excited for this! It's just gonna be a lot of fun!

I also recently started working at Kmart. It's minimum wage and part time, but at least I'll actually have money. Need money so I can get food. I'm so broke right now. I'm literally living on ramen right now. I have never felt more like a broke college student until now... and I'm not even in undergrad anymore. But that's grad school, for you. But I won't be broke for much longer at least!
July 25th, 2013 at 06:21am