Why being a romantic in this day and age is stupid/a problem

So I'm a bit of a romantic. This is a problem. Because, of course, in this current day and age you'd be lucky to find a romantic guy. Last year was my freshman year of college, and I think I encountered every douche on campus. Now, that's not saying much... I go to a really small college--there's only like 600 students so... (Discussion for another time). However, now I'm going to be on campus in 22 days. WOOT WOOT! Preseason volleyball never looked so good (mind you, I might die with all the conditioning my coach puts us through but hey, at least I'll be back at school!).

I am so ready to be back on campus. I actually miss Lake Superior (on which my school is located) and the small town atmosphere. And I'm coming in with a goal: no more douches. I know, I know, everyone has this goal; I just feel like after last year my douche radar has improved significantly. One of these days I'll blog about my encounters of douchebaggery.

I shoot sports photography for my school. So, the romantic in me just wants to meet a guy who introduces me to his family/friends and is like, "Hey, this is Meg, the girl I was telling you about." And for them to respond, "Oh, right! The photographer! We've heard a lot about you!" I feel like I'm not asking for a lot... Hahaha oh man. I'm just saying--I can't be the only romantic out there. Do guys do romance anymore? I'm just wondering if college guys even bother to pursue girls for anything more than sex nowadays. Just gotta find the middle ground between wanting sex and wanting to wife a girl. The nomansland of "hey, we could go on a date." Do college guys go on dates? Is that a thing? I want to see a guy just really grow a pair and ask a girl out on a real date--something beyond the classic dinner and a movie. Like: "Let's go ice skating!* I'll pick you up at 7!" And then you go to this adorable outdoor ice rink (they exist, I swear! ...I've driven by them haha...) and he's brought hot chocolate and aslkdjflakwejlkj. Sorry. I got carried away being all romantic and dreamy and then reality hit me in the face. Anyway... maybe someday? Maybe this fall if I get really lucky...

What kind of things do you guys find romantic?

*Sorry, I go to a school that has the same motto as Winterfell... Winter is coming. We're about as north as you can go without running into Canada. This is why everything is pretty much cold-related. This year, we had snow until the 3rd week of May. I'm not joking. It was awful.
July 25th, 2013 at 08:22am