Auschwitz, and the thing that makes me proudest

Okay, so, for a huge proportion of my life I've been rooted pretty deep in World War II history. It is, in my opinion, one of the most interesting aspects of history from every angle, whether you're looking at the British home front or the American involvement in the war or the atrocities that took place in France, Germany, and a large part of Eastern Europe in the later years of the war. By that I mean the Holocaust, but I also mean the sterilisation of "asocials" (people who did not comply to Nazi ideology - political opposers, gypsies, Jehovah's Witnesses, homosexuals, prisoners, alcoholics, etc.), Operation T4 (the "euthanasia" of mentally/physically disabled people under the Nazis) and the Einsatzgruppen in Russia, as well as the systematic genocide of six million people in concentration and death camps.

There's a charity which offers schools the opportunity to take two students to Auschwitz for under £50, and I got a place. I've always wanted to go to Auschwitz, and I consider myself incredibly lucky to have been given the chance, and at such a low price. I've visited Anne Frank's house and the Holocaust Memorial Museum in the US, too, and I think visiting Auschwitz will be an incredible experience because a lot of the time it's difficult to comprehend what happened under Hitler.

This kind of links into my second point of call, which is basically me telling you all to go read something I wrote, because I consider it probably the best thing I've ever written, and the thing that makes me most proud. I wrote it as an entry for The Great Big Character Contest, which is a thing everyone should join because it's a brilliant idea, and my character was the corpse. So, yeah, that's basically it. I wrote a thing and I'd really like it if people read the thing, because the thing that I wrote is probably the best thing I've ever written, and it's the thing that makes me proudest to consider myself a writer.

Also I want to use this blog more, and I'm going to do that by posting a little introduction to some of my favourite TV shows/books/movies and why you should watch/read them. At some point in the future. So, look forward to that if you're a fan of reading blogs where people obsessively flail about things they like.
July 29th, 2013 at 03:54pm