Fickle Inspiration (comment swap)

We're all writers here, right?

So everyone has that one thing that inspires them. At least one thing, really. It changes all the time, making that prized inspiration to write and come up with new ideas so...fickle. We call it writer's block, but that's not accurate. We know what we want to write next, but we don't have the inspiration or the motivation to make it anything worth writing.

Today, my inspiration comes from Jane Austen's "Mansfield Park", four songs from the Imagine Dragons album and Tom Hiddleston.

Anyway, that mind child turned into a story I call "Become". I posted it around 4am Pacific Standard Time, so I wasn't surprised to see no one had read it.

I know! We'll do a comment swap. You read the two chapters I posted last night (this morning, technically) and I'll read at least two chapters of your story, and leave feedback. Fan fiction, original, true, I don't care what it is. Honestly, I glean through fan fiction to see how people see a certain celebrity and they turn them into such real people and it's awesome.

July 29th, 2013 at 07:46pm