Do Blogs Still Exist?

I haven't written a blogging entry for over a year now and reading back to my previous stuff, I'm starting to believe that I lived on a diet based of sugar and blood because my typing was absolutely horrid.
Here I sit now, going into College to study a variety of English and Art based subjects and I cannot will myself to do my summer work, but instead I sit here and write this entry pondering the wonders of blogging again.
We've all had a MySpce right? It was the website that really kicked off a form of blogging for me. It was a way to share art, music, photos and basically give out your phone number for free (yes people do that any ways but I guess for me that's an inside secret).
Okay, this is way off track, I did not begin writing this with the intent to talk about MySpace or school or anything.
I supposed I'm really just writing whatever comes to my mind right now. Perhaps that's what blogging is now? Ramblings of the mind thrown into a three hundred word post for the world to see.
Sometimes it has purpose, promotion of a website you love to call home, you're an artists sharing your work with the world or maybe you run a travel blog and you share your days events with people in the world. A blog can have a million uses and it's use for me seems to be this pile of shit.
I shall will myself to conclude this now before I go off on a bender about my summer holidays and make only myself cry and want to curl up with a fifth of whiskey.
Thanks for the time you spent reading my scattered brain's thoughts.
July 30th, 2013 at 04:01am