Just a random blurb because I can't sleep ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ

(Warning! The person who wrote this has ADHD so this will jump around a bit. Sorry.)

Its strange to find myself up and awake at almost 2 in the morning and yet it's not... I don't like writing about personal stuff and putting it out there for people to read because honestly I feel like it's a waste of others space to do that cause honestly probably 3 people will read this and it'll just end up somewhere and I'll forget about it. But damn it, I hold virtually every feeling inside me and I hate letting it out for the simple most stupid reason.

I don't wanna be a burden.

Yes, that is how I see my life, as this huge burden. I fail at every hope my parents have had for me, I'm STILL repeating freshman classes, even as a junior. Wow, it's crazy to think I'm almost done with highschool. But I feel like I'm always pestering people when I talk to them cause they all have these busy lives and I'm just sitting here eating chips and watching How I Met Your Mother on netflix and going on Mibba. Seriously, If I didn't have my best friend or Mibba idk what I would do with myself.

But even with my best friend I feel like a burden... I want to be the bestest friend I can be cause she knows practically everything about me, she is amazing and she has this life I could only dream if having. she really is the bestest friend I've ever had.

I moved every two years so I never had these childhood friends everyone else grew up with. I was this random kid in the back of the class that just moves away and no one bats an eye cause face it, I'm just a blimp here. Even now I am just another face in the crowd. And it sucks cause I'm basically a ghost, every kid in the military that has to move so often has probably felt that way every once in a while. 

I was never a 'popular kid' whatever that means, I was picked on, bullied, harassed and even threated to be killed. I've been through hell and swam oceans. But no one would know that cause im just another face. Just another 'emo kid' or 'Goth kid' and even called a monkey because I have Mexican blood in me so yes, I tend to be hairier then the average person. 

It's funny cause people will sit there and judge you like theres no tomorrow, but if they were to ever sit down with you and actually talk, I bet there minds would be blown. Wow, I have bad ADHD cause now I'm getting off topic. :/ gah. Watever. But in all honesty I've met some really amazing people on here and i'm thankful for every encounter, every chance to hear someone elses story, it's amazing to meet new people and listen to them. 

Well. I bet that is way over 100 words. So I'll leave it at that and if people read this, wonderful, if not, wonderful. Thanks and goodnight.
July 30th, 2013 at 07:55am